For over 40 years, Future Choices has recognized and celebrated the talent and passion of our region’s high school students.
For students in grades 9 -12, who live or attend school in one of SAA's 24 designated towns
Students may submit in Ceramics, Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Prints, Sculpture, Digital Art and/or Video

Benefits for the Artist
Work is reviewed by a panel of professional artists
Accepted work is exhibited in a professional gallery space
Opportunity to assist with the exhibition
Catalogs are produced with complete listings of the artwork, students, high schools, grades, and teachers
Artists’ Reception, hosted by Shoreline Arts Alliance, for students, family members, and teachers
Submission Rules
Art submission dates: March 17 -19, 2025, 2:30-5:00 PM
Each artist must submit a digital application by March 17, 2025
Submission Fee: $7 per piece. Maximum of three pieces per student per category. A payment link is provided in the application form, or a check can be brought in on the day of submission.
Five painters will receive special invitations to apply for the Jeffrey Dobbs Scholarship for Excellence in Painting as part of Shoreline Arts Alliance's Scholarships in the Arts. These five painter's submission fees will be waived should they choose to apply.
Exhibition & Award Information
March 28 - April 11, 2025 & April 23 - April 27
Wednesdays-Fridays, 3-6 PM, Saturdays & Sundays, 12 noon - 4 PM
Saturday, March 29, 9 AM - 12 noon
Shoreline Arts Alliance offers the following awards:
➤ Best In Show
➤ First, Second, and Third Place in each category
➤ The Ruth Baxter Award
➤ The Judy Streeter Award to the Outstanding High School Art Department
➤ Earl Grenville Killeen Founder's Award, recognizing the teacher of the Best in Show award recipient